The Indianhead Chorus is a fraternity of men drawn together by a love
of singing, performing, and promoting four-part close a cappella harmony music
known as barbershop.
Sing With Us!
You love to sing! You sing in the car and you sing in the shower. You sing as you're mowing the lawn.
Why not sing with other men who do the same? Guests are always welcome on Monday evenings,
at the Polk County Justice Center, in the community room off the lobby. 7:00-9:00 PM. Surprise us with a visit! We'll keep an ear out for you.
For more information, contact us at, or find us on Facebook.
Singing Valentines
Planning ahead for Valentine's Day? Surprise your loved one with a song and a flower delivered by a top-notch quartet. We'll be out and around all day, delivering the most romantic gestures you've every seen. Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, even friends and family will love it!
Contact us through this website, or call or text
Frederic and surrounding area: Larry Fisk 715 491-6711
St. Croix Falls and surrounding area: Ken Mettler 715 483-9202
Amery and surrounding area: Dan Smith 763 370-9149
Barron and surrounding area: Ken Gonske 715 234-4309
Join us for a Gospel Concert
On April 6, we will present a program of Gospel Music. 1:00 Sunday afternoon at Luck Lutheran. We invite you to join us on stage for the final set. Guests (men or women, bass or treble voices) are welcome come to six one-hour rehearsals, beginning Monday, February 28. No cost, no further commitment.
To the right is a photo of the 2023 concert. Email us at for more details.
On January 17th 2025, Ken Gonske was awarded the title of Indianhead Chorus Barbershopper of the Year! Ken (left) is shown here with presenter Ken Mettler (BOTY 2024).
Besides being a talented tenor singer, Ken is a member of our board of directors. He sings in quartets, arranges performances, and too much more to list here. Thank you, Ken!
Youth in Harmony NextGen Festival Postponed
The January 25, 2025, festival has been postponed. Organizers have reached out to registered students. More information about the rescheduled event will be forthcoming.
Thanks for Being There!
The 66th Annual Harvest of Harmony, is now in the record books. We welcomed special guests, The Newfangled Four and Vocality. We donated $1000 to St. Croix Falls High School Choir, and $1000 to the Amery High School Choir. Both groups sent a quartet to perform on the show! Money also went to the Community Referral Agency.
None of this could happen without our friends and families and sponsors. Thank you for all of your support!
Here is our recent performance, where we won the AAA (small group) District Championship!
Here, you see the Chorus in action at the 2022 Harvest of Harmony.
You could be part of that picture for the 66th anniversary show in October 2024.
Click here to find out how!