Online Arts and Barbershopping Resources
The Barbershop Harmony Society
Here, you will find all things Barbershop, from quartets and choruses around the country,
to sheet music and keychains.
Western Wisconsin Youth in Harmony
Each year several local choruses put together a youth festival. Find them on Facebook
The Croix Chordsmen
These gentlemen are a neighboring chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
They rehearse in Stillwater, MN, and
perform primarily in the NE metro area.
The Northern Lights Chorus
These gentlemen are a neighboring chapter of the
Barbershop Harmony Society, performing throughout Wisconsinsin's Chippewa Valley.
Find them on Facebook
- The Land O' Lakes District of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Information on Barbershopping in the upper Midwest.
North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the western half of Michigan's U.P., USA;
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and the western half of Ontario, Canada.
- Sweet Adelines International
and Harmony, Inc.
Allied with the BHS, both of these organizations promote women's barbershopping world-wide.
- Vallee de Croix Chorus
A neighboring chapter of the Sweet Adelines, with whom we often perform.
This is a compendium of other links and resources. You will satisfy hours of curiosity here.
Thanks for visiting!