Indianhead Chorus in Concert

The Indianhead Chorus is a fraternity of men drawn together by a love of singing, performing, and promoting four-part close a cappella harmony music known as barbershop.

Sing With Us!

Stillwater on the grass You love to sing! You sing in the car and you sing in the shower. You sing as you're mowing the lawn. Why not sing with other men who do the same? Guests are always welcome on Monday evenings, at the Polk County Justice Center, in the community room off the lobby. 7:00-9:00 PM. Surprise us with a visit! We'll keep an ear out for you.
For more information, contact us at, or find us on Facebook.

Singing Valentines

Valentine Flyer

Planning ahead for Valentine's Day? Surprise your loved one with a song and a flower delivered by a top-notch quartet. We'll be out and around all day, delivering the most romantic gestures you've every seen. Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, even friends and family will love it!

Contact us through this website, or call or text